
Benefits of Automated e-Signing | Why Modern Day Businesses are Switching to Automated e-Signing
Category: Digital Signature, Posted on: 05/03/2024 , Posted By: Webtel
Visitor Count:1617

The business processes and activities expand with the growth and development of the organization, and keeping up the pace of these activities becomes a necessity. In such a situation, having to invest time and effort in bulk-signing and uploading documents slows down business activities. These reasons have made everyone realize why automated e-signing is necessary for business organizations in 2022.

What is automated electronic signing?

E-signatures are the digital, or electronic version of the conventional ink and paper signatures, which indicate the intent of an individual, organization, or authority to agree to the contents of a document, contract, transaction, or administrative data.

In simple words, a digital signature is an electronic form of authorization, approval, or intent that usually follows certain identity verification and security standards.

What are the 3 types of e-signing?

The automated e-signatures can be broadly categorized into 3 types,

  1. Simple electronic signature (SES)

  2. A simple electronic signature is defined as the data in electronic form which is attached to or logically associated with other data in electronic form and which is used by the signatory to sign. Thus, a scanned hand-written signature, an electronically typed name, or any such signature, authentication, or approval will be a part of a simple electronic signature.

  3. Advanced electronic signature (AES)

  4. Advanced electronic signatures, unlike simple electronic signatures, are subject to identity verification and security requirements. These e-signatures are based on certificates that uniquely identify the signer of the electronic document.

  5. Qualified electronic signature (QES)

  6. Qualified electronic signatures are a level-up of the advanced electronic signatures with added security requirements. These digital signatures require a certificate-based public key, issued with proper technological means, and prior identification of the signatory by an audited entity.

What are the benefits of automated e-signing?

Automated e-signing is transitioning into the means of document authorization and bulk-signing for organizations, mainly owing to the various benefits of digital signing. Listed below are the key benefits of automated e-signing and how organizations can adopt these advantages to smoothen up their bulk signing processes,

  1. Time-Saving and Automation

  2. The task of bulk signing documents manually can be overburdening and time-consuming. However, with the benefits of e-signing, you can reduce the lengthy procedures of manual signing and uploading the documents by the means of automation. This makes the task of bulk signing quick and assists in catching up with the increasing organizational requirements.

  3. Security and Legal Recognition

  4. Maintaining the security and privacy of data is a top priority for any organization. Digital signing ensures complete identity verification and saves the user documents from tampering, alterations, and manipulations. Moreover, digital signatures are legally recognized by the government as a measure of authorization, authentication, and verification of documents.

  5. Flexibility and Mobility

  6. Besides time-saving and automation, e-signing allows flexibility and mobility in work operations since the job can be performed anytime, irrespective of the location. By eliminating the need for physical interaction, digital signing allows the users to collaborate virtually and perform the task of bulk e-signing remotely.

  7. Accuracy

  8. Manual tasks and procedures are subject to errors and inaccuracies. With the benefits of digital signing, the document verification process can be automated, ensuring accuracy in the procedure. Additionally, e-signing offers features that ensure the security of the individual or the organization.

  9. Paperless Workflow

  10. Saving you from the hassle of printing documents and maintaining files, e-signing helps your organization to go paperless with its operations, making it an environmentally friendly option. Additionally, through the benefits of digital signing, all the user documents can be stored at a centralized location, and document sharing can be done seamlessly.

What major business challenges does e-signing rectifies?

Challenges are a part of the business cycle, but letting these challenges affect the functioning of business activities is never the solution. To get an answer to why your business needs e-signing, it is important to find an answer to the given questions.

  1. Is the manual bulk-signing process limiting the flow of your business activities?

  2. Manual signing can take up a significant amount of time, and slow down your business flow. Moreover, in remote work conditions, the inability to collaborate can hurdle business activities. As a solution to this, automated e-signing makes the process of bulk signing quick and secure, assisting in the continuity of activities.

  3. Are your signatures safe from tampering, manipulation, alteration, or similar security threats?

  4. Manual signatures are subject to security threats and fraudulent activities. Digital signatures, however, are comprised of certain security standards, certifications, and identity verification protocols, making them the solution for bulk signing requirements of an organization.

  5. Are your manual signatures universally accepted?

  6. Your manual signatures might work for internal operations and under certain conditions, for external uses, but these signatures might not be universally acceptable and legally recognized.

    As per the guidelines of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, all filings done by the companies/LLPs under the MCA21 e-Governance programme are required to be filed using Digital Signatures by the person authorized to sign the documents. Hence, digital signatures are important for the organization from a legal standpoint.

How are businesses adapting the benefits of e-signing to their daily processes?

Taking into consideration the various benefits of e-signing and the challenges that an organization can solve with the help of digital signatures, a majority of organizations are adopting the benefits of e-signing and shifting towards automated electronic signing.

Listed below are some of the major business organizations that transformed their business processes with the help of automated e-signing of Web-e-Sign, a smart e-signing solution by Webtel.

  1. Panasonic Holdings Corporation

  2. Being one of the largest global consumer electronics manufacturers with a substantial market share in India, Panasonic surely has a fair share of documents, forms and invoices to be authorized. The brand went on a search mission to find a digital signing solution to meet its compliance requirements but ended up facing accuracy and reliability issues. Searching the market but unable to find their ideal bulk e-signing solution, Panasonic approached Webtel for assistance.

    On getting satisfactory results from the software and complete assistance from our team, Panasonic stopped their search at Web-e-Sign and incorporated the software into all their bulk e-signing requirements.

  3. Imperial Auto Industries

  4. Having started its journey as an automobile equipment manufacturer back in 1966, Imperial Auto Industries is the largest integrated manufacturer and assembler of fluid transmission products in India.

    Being an active user of Webtel ERP solution and satisfied with our services, the Imperial Auto team approached us to seek a solution for their bulk e-signing requirement without searching elsewhere. Our team assisted them with the installation of the software, which in turn made the functioning of their management processes a lot easier.

  5. Vectus Industries Ltd

  6. With a nationwide presence and over 30 years of experience, Vectus Industries Ltd is one of the leading water tank manufacturers in India. Having a significant presence in the industry, there are times when the company has to face certain hardships in terms of authentication and approval of all the documents and receipts. Manually signing off these documents is not a feasible option, so the management team of Vectus approached Webtel for Web-e-sign as a bulk e-signing solution.

    Vectus Industries, impressed by the performance and services of Webtel, made another significant addition to our list of satisfied clients.

    How can you transform your business with the benefits of e-signing?

    It is evident how automated digital signatures are a necessity for organizations and how businesses can transform their business processes with the benefits of e-signing. The challenge is to find the best e-signing solution for your business that integrates smoothly with your business processes and fits the requirements of your business.

    Web-e-Sign by Webtel is the solution you need to fulfill all your bulk e-signing requirements. With the help of smart features like collaboration advantage, auto intelligence, web interface, log reports, seamless ERP integration, and enhanced security tools, Web-e-Sign aligns perfectly with all your business software and resources, making the process of bulk e-signing quick and secure.


    E-signing is essential for your business to back its bulk-signing requirements, facilitate a smooth flow of business activities, and help you fulfill your statutory requirements. As a measure to enable hassle-free and seamless bulk signing, an automated digital signing solution is required.

    Web-e-Sign is a bulk e-signing solution by Webtel that makes the digital signing process easy for your organization. With the help of smart accessibility and security features, Web-e-Sign stands as the best digital signing solution for businesses that want hassle-free business processes.

    To know in detail about automated e-signing facilitated by Web-e-Sign, visit >> Web-e-Sign – An Advanced & Secure Digital Signing Solution

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